Friday, 3 February 2023

TRACK OF THE DAY : Brooke Combe - Black Is The New Gold

Brooke Combe today releases her new single Black Is The New Gold, a standout track from her recent live shows, and a song where she explores her heritage through a soulful song that really brings out her wonderfully evocative voice.

Brooke is justifiably proud of the track explaining on her socials - "Black Is The New Gold is probably my most mature yet. It’s more soulful and it’s probably the first tune (you’ll be glad to know) where I’m not singing about being in love or heartbroken"

"This song means a lot to me. It shows a different side to my story that I’ve never really wanted to get into. I’ve always felt quite disconnected from my black ancestry (being a mixed race girl) so this song for me is about exploring more of my black roots, lyrically and musically. At the time, I was like, ‘this is heavy, do I really want to go there?’ But my mum was like, why not? My heritage has probably come from that, and it's important people know who I am. I think it's been an important step for me, learning more about myself by reading and researching more. It isn’t meant to be a preachy song - I'm not that person. But I do like to write music I can leave with people to ponder. Just think on it, and get back to me."

Brooke Combe is on Facebook and Twitter.

The track features on a new mixtape CD and vinyl including seven other songs and bonus CD content available on 21st April which can be pre-ordered via her store.

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