Saturday, 18 March 2023

TRACK OF THE DAY : The Strangerz - Hit The Ground


Hit The Ground is the third single from Manchester via Doncaster punk quarter The Strangerz. Describing themselves as "alternative, shouty feminist and punky with a modern twist", the single deals in the relatable urge to lie in bed and never move again.

The quartet have the distinctive feature in their line-up of being formed of two sets of twins (singer Martha and guitarist Thomas and their housemates drummer Shannon and bassist Will). They formed back in their native Doncaster but moved to Manchester. They've released two singles to date - Straight Gay Brother and Shut Up! - and their new release, their first of 2023, sees them working with Lewis Dean at Salford University to record the track that now opens up their live set.

The song has a spiky edge to it that marks them out as contemporaries of the likes of Loose Articles and The Red Stains, albeit a little less chaotic in its delivery but with no less intent.

They play Manchester Castle (March 19), Liverpool Jacaranda (April 13, supoorting Maggie Witch), Intermission Festival Manchester (22), Manchester Night And Day (28, supporting Shonen Knife) and Manchester Retro (June 3)

The Strangerz are on Facebook and Twitter.


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