Friday, 13 December 2019

TRACK OF THE DAY : VLURE - Desire (Live At Axiom Art)

VLURE might only have been in existence a few months, but their Glasgow shows have built a word of mouth buzz about them that's threatening to become loud enough that you can't ignore them. They've chosen to reveal their first publicly available song and laser focused, it's an impressively bold statement of intent from a band set to take off in 2020 in the way their friends The Murder Capital, who they supported in Glasgow in May, have done this year.

They explained the reason behind a live recording being their first offering "(Desire is) One of two tracks filmed and recorded live in the building where this band was started. It was one of the first songs we all came together on. Releasing it as a live recording felt like a fitting way to introduce ourselves to you all. Desire is your crux, an impassioned campaign against designless lust and addiction. Our love to everyone who has helped us build this, this past seven months. Friendship is everything. This is just the beginning."

The video was filmed by Justyna Kochanska and recorded and mixed by David Johnston.

VLURE are on Facebook and Twitter.

They play Dundee Beat Generator Live (January 18), Dunfermline PJ Molloys (25) and Glasgow Hug And Pint on February 28.

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