Saturday, 30 May 2020

TRACK OF THE DAY : LOAstate - Blue Skies

LOAstate have quietly been making their mark around Manchester with little fanfare but packing out venues since they made their live debut at Neighbourhood Festival last year. Their new single Blue Skies seems set to take them up a notch higher and thrust them into the limelight. Julia Grantham takes a listen and finds out more.

What’s exciting about LOAstate is that the band members have already been around on the Manchester scene, performing sold-out gigs across the city. Together, apart, they’ve got an impressive collection of songs from bands such as Cupids, Gramotones and Ethan and The Reformation. Yet LOAstate sound nothing like those bands and this is a real collaborative project.

That history allows them to talk eloquently about their music. They interview each other on social media, an innovative way of giving their fans an insight into who they are, how they view their art, the talent they possess, their journey so far and how they’ve retained their humility along the way. This is a band that know who they are and what they’re about and it shows.

Blue Skies is a song that grabs your attention instantly, musically and lyrically, and is likely to be the next step on their path to becoming more widely known. They’ve paid their dues with all the music they’ve written thus far but this track feels like it’s the start of something bigger. If you can make them out, and we won’t spoil it for you, try and capture all the lyrics. They really are amazing.

Unlike many other, the band have a whole philosophy and look to go with their music, complete with logo and striking imagery and it’s unique. Visiting their socials, you’ll see this for yourself. And don’t dismiss them, as many in the industry do, by looking at the numbers of people that follow them.  They’ve already sold out the Pink Room at Yes and were on their way to selling out Band On The Wall and we wouldn’t bet on them selling out 1,500 – 2,000 capacity venues in the city by doing it the right way, by word of mouth.  

LOAstate are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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