Sunday, 27 December 2015

Cessna Deathwish / Rory Wynne / Psyblings - Manchester Castle - 22nd December 2015

Our last gig before Christmas saw three bands that are being tipped for big things in 2016 showcase themselves at The Castle in the presence of most of Blossoms and assorted members of the Manchester music business. We witnessed three very different acts, each of which added to their burgeoning reputations.

Opening up the evening are Psyblings, a Manchester band that describe themselves as "Psych Rock Prog Super Nintendo Chalmers" whatever that means. What we're faced with is an enigmatic hyperactive front man Greg who spends half the gig in the crowd and could probably do with pulling his pants up a bit. Dress etiquette aside though, they're really rather good. Songs veer from chaotic punk sounds to guitar driven breakdowns without pausing for breath, including their debut single Boxed Up World and its follow up the magnificently titled Lemon Whiskey Herbal Tea. It could end up looking and sounding a mess, but it doesn't and the audience they've already built for themselves have turned out in numbers to support them and lose themselves with them in the music.

Next up is Rory Wynne and even though he's only sixteen he's already picking up significant play on Radio 1 and X Radio as well as support from the attending Blossoms and a significant management deal if the rumours are to be believed. It wouldn't be any surprise to us to see him take a similar trajectory to his friends in the audience. His songs are sharply observed tales of what he sees going on around him, exaggerated at times for effect, but delivered with a crisp effortless vocal style that is both raconteur and future rock star in equal measures. He's still building a setlist of songs to match his extraordinary potential and the likes of Post Party Confusion and Can It Hurt Me Said I as well as recent single Why Don't You suggest it won't be too long before he's ready to take on the world. He even throws in a cheeky Christmas song, the magnificently titled It's A Shame Christmas Songs Are All Cheesy, Writing One Is Quite Easy for good measure.

We didn't know much about Cessna Deathwish beforehand. The Brighton-based four-piece have been circling under the radar for a few months now, but you sense they're biding their time and crafting themselves a position for an assault on the nation's senses. Their songs are all beautifully constructed with an evident love of classic songwriting melodies and harmonies but delivered with the emotion and honesty to make them stand out. They're not going to bowl you over with the power but rather they'll disarm you and seduce you without you realising you're falling for them. Recent track Pioneer is a prime example of this although they don't say much (other than to express their love of Psyblings) or introduce the songs, but you sense this is part of the mystique they're building around themselves. Their set is short and sweet, just the six songs, but it leaves us with enough to know Cessna Deathwish is a name we'll be hearing a lot more of.

Psyblings are on Facebook, Twitter and Soundcloud.

Rory Wynne's official site can be found here and he is on Facebook and Twitter.

Cessna Deathwish are on Facebook, Twitter and Soundcloud.

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