Friday, 13 March 2015

Track Of The Day : Elephant Memoirs - Mug

Mug is the debut release by Gateshead trio Elephant Memoirs, available as a free download from their Soundcloud page. To our ears, it's a massive step-up from last year's demo tape with what they describe as "a driving powerful rhythm section, accompanied by melodic distorted guitar."

Whilst musically starting with sawing guitar feedback, Mug sees Elephant Memoirs not afraid of trading in classic rock postures yet it's not devoid of their own personality. The angst-ridden lyrics beg the question "Do I have mug stamped on my head" and talks of an "ordnance survey map to find my soul", it has a feel of Placebo's very earliest rawest work, particularly in the intonation in front man's John Aspinall's vocals.

Elephant Memoirs are on Facebook, Twitter and Soundcloud, where the song can be downloaded for free.

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