Monday, 10 September 2018

TRACK OF THE DAY : Keto - Always

Always is the first single from Keto's crowd-funded forthcoming album Blackened Pool. With an animated video that's a perfect accompaniment to the song, Always is a perfect introduction to what to expect from the album.

The single, like most of the album, was recorded with a detuned nylon string guitar and vocals into on microphone, with other instruments added later, but the overall impact is such that you're immediately drawn to her rich emotive voice that accentuates the thoughts that she's put to song.

Keto's official website can be found here and she is on Facebook and Twitter.

The album Blackened Pool is available to pre-order here and is strictly limited to 100 copies on vinyl. Digital downloads will also be available.

Keto plays the following dates : Nottingham Rescue Rooms (September 19, supporting The Wedding Present), Nottingham Venue TBA (28), Manchester Gullivers (November 21), Sheffield Venue TBA (23), Nottingham Venue TBA (24).

Header picture by Vitelleschi

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