Tuesday, 15 October 2019

TRACK OF THE DAY : Hayley Mary - The Piss, The Perfume

The Piss, The Perfume is the debut solo single from The Jezabels lead singer Hayley Mary although she might not totally appreciate the reference to her past. Accompanied by a light-hearted fun video that really captures the song's essence, the single deals with her reaction to the return of an ex-lover and her reaction to it.

As she prepares the release of her debut EP on I Oh You, her social media profiles describe Hayley as "a wee pocket rocket with the voice of a giant angel; a bona fide persona with no shortage of past achievements, but they are not why we are here. Superstars live in the future." The single is also very much a statement that backs that up.

Hayley Mary's official website can be found here and she is on Facebook and Twitter.

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